Guepo GmbH Lecksuchmittel und Poliertonerde
  Siemensstraße 13 - 77694 Kehl - Tel +49-7851-99477-0 - Fax +49-7851-99477-77 -  
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Leak-seekers for natural gas and liquid gas

For these fields of application Guepo offers you the following four products:

· Güpoflex Leak-seeker (Standard product for temperaturers over 5°C) Print

· Güpoflex Leak-seeker ETL (Extreme Temperature Locator in winter or for temperatures below 5°C) Print

· Güpoflex Leak-finding foam (For temperatures over 5°C) Print

· Güpoflex Leak-finding foam WTR (Wide Temperature Range in winter or for temperatures below 5°C) Print

The four of them are suitable for the leak-detection according to TRGI (Technische Regeln für Gasinstallationen).

All of them are certified by DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. = German Gas and Water Association) at Bonn.

Güpo GmbH Siemensstraße 13 - 77694 Kehl Tel +49-7851-99477-0 Fax +49-7851-99477-77